Chronological table
Tokyo Institute of Technology M.A.B. Male Choir
- 1986
(Japanese page only)
- 1st Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- 1987
(Japanese page only)
- 2nd Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
Tokyo Institute of Technology U.M.A.B. Senior Choir
- 1989
(Japanese page only)
- 4th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
M.A.B Soloists
- (1989)
(Japanese page only)
- Tokyo Heat of 44th AJCL (All Japan Chorus League) Chorus Contest
- 1990
(Japanese page only)
- 5th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- 45th Tokyo Chorus Festival
- Tokyo Heat of 45th AJCL Chorus Contest
- Opening Ceremony of Tokyo Metroporitan Art Space
- 1991
(Japanese page only)
- 6th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- 46th Tokyo Chorus Festival
- Tokyo Heat of 46th AJCL Chorus Contest
- 1992
(Japanese page only)
- 7th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- 47th Tokyo Chorus Festival
- Tokyo Heat of 47th AJCL Chorus Contest
- 1993
(Japanese page only)
- 8th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- 48th Tokyo Chorus Festival
- Tokyo Heat of 48th AJCL Chorus Contest
- 1994
(Japanese page only)
- 9th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- 49th Tokyo Chorus Festival
- Tokyo Heat of 49th AJCL Chorus Contest
- 1995
(Japanese page only)
- 10th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- Iwao Kato Memorial Concert
- 50th Tokyo Chorus Festival
- Tokyo Heat of 50th AJCL Chorus Contest
- 1996
- 11th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- M.A.B. 10th anniversary 1st concert "Genealogy of Renaissance sacred music"
- 51th Tokyo Chorus Festival
- M.A.B.10th anniversary 2nd concert "Dig the common mental aspect of German (Romanticism) and Japan (Emotionalism)"
- Tokyo Heat of 51th AJCL Chorus Contest
- 1997
- 12th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- M.A.B.10th anniversary 3rd concert "Shunie(Japanese Buddhist music) and Organum"
- 1998
- 13th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- M.A.B.10th anniversary 4th concert "North-South problem of music"
- 53th Tokyo Chorus Festival
- 1999
- 14th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- 16th TAKARAZUKA International Chamber Chorus Contest
- 2000
- 15th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- 41th Chorus Contest for residents of Tokyo
- 2001
- 16th Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest
- The Art of Ockeghem
- 42th Chorus Contest for residents of Tokyo
[ M.A.B Home Stage] [Profile]