Up to now, the scores in this library are all made and edited by
members of M.A.B. and the copyrights belong to M.A.B. You can
use or distribute without permission if you don't change contents
nor not on commercial. If you want to change the contents, be sure to
leave the copyright discription on top pages and add discriptions
of yourself like `Arrenged by xxx' at the title. If you want to
use these scores on commercial, e-mail to
The rules above may change without noticing. Take care about the
changes if you get scores from the library.
PostScript (copyrights about making scores with MusicTeX)
With a research, we were reported about the Copyright Law in Japan
that making MusicTeX scores from published scores does not violate
the copyrights of publishers. But you have to take care about the
copyrights of the composers, poets, editors of the music itself.
Performing the musics may have other copyrights. Check
these copyrights by yourself.
Copyright (C) 1995,96,97 M.A.B. Soloists, All Rights Reserved.
[M.A.B. Home Stage] [MusecTeX