Josquin Des Prez

Missa Pange Lingua

(Masses Sing, the tongue of mystery)

Poem Ordinary Mass
Published 1539
Playing Time Kyrie 3 minutes, Gloria 5 minutes
Parts 4 parts (CT,T,B,B)

Comments The greatest masterpiece in his masses. The cantus filmus part is taken from hymn Pange Lingua and each part imitates the phrase with paraphrasing technique. This is named ``through imitation'' which is established in Flemish school period.

Glareanus who is a musicologist in 16 century, said that this masterpiece is ``Ars perfecta'' (art of perfection) and the music can not be taken off or put in any notes. (Miyauchi)

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CD Recommendation Tallis Scholars (Gimell)

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